Monday, December 10, 2012 Tips and Tricks

Here are a few of my Tips for making money with has been pretty sweet and I know the admin has been trying to get the forum going, so I am gonna post a simple guide. Nothing special or new, but here it goes...

I am averaging about $95ish per day. I was at about $35-$40 per day using FileIce, so I have enjoyed Cleanfiles so far.

First off though, just know that this isn't super does take some work. i already had my system setup and then when I saw cleanfiles i decided to just switch over all my links. the earnings were a bit better so I stayed.

Anyways, the method takes some time, but it does work, and the autopilot income is definitely worth it.

The Method

First, sign up for and get your file uploaded. This is a pretty obvious step. Make sure your file is something that people want. I personally write PDF ebook guides (5-6 pages long) but I don't think the type of file actually matters. Upload it and get your Bitly link.

I pretty much do 1 file per niche.

Next, get some YouTube accounts if you don't have any. I get them on Fiverr. Don't try and get like 70 accounts for $5....go for the deals that are like 10 Manual Google PVA's for $5.

Now, we are going to do 5 videos per file, and put all of those onto one YouTube account. So at the end, you will have 10 accounts, 5 videos each, so 50 videos.

That sounds like a lot, but just focus on 1 niche at a time. To make videos, just use Unregistered Hypercam or Camtasia Studio if you have it (you can find a torrent for it if you look).

Make the videos short and sweet, yet enticing. Put your Bitly link in the description, and shove a lot of keywords into the description as well. 

Then, for the final secret sauce, order some likes and views off Fiverr for your video. At first (if your budget is tight), just order 1 fiverr gig per video that focuses primarily on video likes. Once you start making profit, start doing two gigs per video: one that focuses on likes, one that focuses on views.

More likes = Higher Percent DownloadMore Views = More Real Traffic

Also, ALWAYS save your videos to a flash drive or something safe. YouTube accounts get banned randomly these days! You don't want to lose your videos.


What file settings do you use?
I do not share lock, but I do use the Date Rig and Popularity Rig. I don't use any dynamic names with the url or anything.

How long did it take you to get these earnings?
Two months.

If your videos go down, and you reupload, do you buy Fiverr Gigs for the new videos?
Yes, I do. But if it keeps going down for some reason, I stop (although it might be the gig that is the problem, so try a new one).

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